Scouse and Jules Blog



Well here we are looking out the window at a fairly good day. No rain and possible showers, but Jules has a badly bruised foot ankle knee and leg from a fall yesterday and...

Rock Store

Rock StoreOriginally uploaded by Elrod Racing Nuff said…Roland Sands…his bike..far from ordinary…but it’s a tractor…purty … but still a tractor! Why is it an inline V is considered the “ultimate” engine for a custom...

Ace Cafe – Spring Riot 2009

Ace Cafe – Spring Riot 2009Originally uploaded by roka kustom kulture It’s not just bikes we like, there is the whole Kustom Kulture schtick that some think came to it’s ultimate expession with the...

Every Picture Tells a Story

James DabillOriginally uploaded by yamahagarn This one deserves a much wider audience. Would have loved to have had this viewpoint watching peeps do things with bikes that nobody thinks is possible. Like running one...


Honda CM90 / C50 / Innova hybridOriginally uploaded by Lawrence Peregrine-Trousers Face it you puny weekend adventurers on your 1200 GS Beemers and your KTBooms… this is Hardcore Adventure Motorcycling. This is the steed...

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