Author: scouseandjules

feet don't fail me now...

Too soon?

C25K … rip it up and start again… New shoes, socks, shorts and shirt and even a proper running jacket. Reset the app set a new schedule, turned on the Forerunner and started off....

Bigger Steps

Still not running and still getting twinges but needed a stretch and the blood flowing after spending all day at my desk… so grabbed 40 odd minutes before my on-call started to get a...

Baby steps…

Slowly slowly heals the  ligament. Been taking it easy and slowly building up to full use. Still get some pain but more twinges than the full on Tourette’s inducing agony that hit me as...

feet don't fail me now...

New shoe shuffle

Today’s advice for a C25K newbie is simple; Shoes, get a reputable running shop to check your shoes. So , the day after my disastrous first run of C25K Week 2  I went to...

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